
If you are interested in contributing to ChemGymRL, please check out the latest build of ChemGymRL at our github repository. If you wish to add any developments to ChemGymRL, feel free to do so, and create a pull request, where it will be reviewed and potentially merged in to the ChemGymRL repository. We do ask when modifying ChemGymRL, please respect the Google Python Style Guide.

Our testing suite is a series of test cases that are used to validate several facets of the ChemGymRL environment including the testing of benches, functions, classes and the lab manager. All these unit tests are currently accessible in the ‘chemgymrl/tests/unit’ directory and can be run independently or all together. To test all available unit tests at once make sure to run the following command:

cd tests/unit && python -m unittest discover -p "*test*".py