Source code for chemistrylab.reactions.reaction_info

from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple, Callable, Optional, List
import numpy as np
import json

import os
REACTION_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/available_reactions"

[docs] def serial(x): """Turn a numpy array into tuples""" try:return float(x) except:return tuple(a for a in x)
[docs] def format_2d_array_string(array_str, indent=2): """ Special json formatting function to create pretty arrays Args: array_str (str): The json string indent (int): The amount of indentation in the json string Returns: str: A prettier version of the json string """ ind=" "*indent # Replace all newlines after numbers with spaces for i in range(10): array_str = array_str.replace(f"{i},\n", f"{i}, ") array_str = array_str.replace(f"{i}\n", f"{i}") # replace newlines after opening brackets with spaces array_str = array_str.replace(f"[\n", f"[ ") #add back in newlines if there was a string after array_str = array_str.replace(f': [ {ind*2}"', f': [\n{ind*2}"') #same thing if there was another opening bracket after array_str = array_str.replace(f': [ {ind*2}[', f': [\n{ind*2}[') # adjust spacing for negative signs array_str = array_str.replace(f'{ind*3} -', '-') #adjust spacing of array numbers for i in range(10): array_str = array_str.replace(f" {ind*3}{i}", f" {i}") array_str = array_str.replace(f"{i}{ind*2}", f"{i} ") array_str = array_str.replace(f"{ind*2}{i}", f"{i}") return array_str
[docs] class ReactInfo(NamedTuple): name: str REACTANTS: Tuple[str] PRODUCTS: Tuple[str] SOLVENTS: Tuple[str] MATERIALS: Tuple[str] pre_exp_arr: np.array activ_energy_arr: np.array stoich_coeff_arr: np.array conc_coeff_arr: np.array
[docs] def dump_to_json(self,fn): """ Saves the reaction information to a json file Args: fn (str): The filename to save as. """ with open(fn,"w") as f: f.write( format_2d_array_string( json.dumps(self._asdict(), indent=2, default=serial), indent=2 ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(fn): """ Creates a new ReactInfo object from a json file Args: fn (str): The filename to load from Returns: ReactInfo: The ReactInfo object parameterized by the json file """ with open(fn,"r") as f: kwargs = json.load(f) modified_kwargs = {i: np.array(kwargs[i]) if "_arr" in i else kwargs[i] for i in kwargs} return ReactInfo(**modified_kwargs) = "The name of the reaction" ReactInfo.REACTANTS.__doc__ = "The reactants involved in the reaction(s)" ReactInfo.PRODUCTS.__doc__ = "Any products formed in the reaction(s)" ReactInfo.SOLVENTS.__doc__ = "Any solvents used in the reaction(s)" ReactInfo.MATERIALS.__doc__ = "All materials or substances involved in the reaction(s) (a union of reactants products and solvents)" ReactInfo.pre_exp_arr.__doc__ = "The pre-exponential factors for the reaction(s)" ReactInfo.activ_energy_arr.__doc__ = "The activation energies for the reaction(s)" ReactInfo.stoich_coeff_arr.__doc__ = "Stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants in each reaction" ReactInfo.conc_coeff_arr.__doc__ = "The concentration coefficients of all involved materials in each reaction"